
We get excited about working with JavaScript and the interactive capabilities it offers. Over the last few decades, JavaScript has gone from such superfluous uses as mouse-over hover effects, to become the core functionality of enterprise web applications. You may have heard of React, AngularJS, or jQuery? They are key JavaScript components of some of the biggest websites and web applications in the world. Our JavaScript services all revolve around front-end website or applications development that meshes with WordPress or custom application development.

We are fond of working with the ubiquitous jQuery for handling interactions between the user and our custom websites or applications. Recently, we have also been working with Vue.js for adding structure and future flexibility to our custom web applications. This gives us a great starting point for handling the saving, retrieving, sorting and updating of data in real-time using AJAX. Many clients have also come to us when they required a very specific calculator or animated chart created to showcase the benefits of their products or services to potential clients.

We look forward to meeting all your JavaScript coding needs.

Specializing In:

Dynamic Forms
Interactive Charts
Working with API's
Google Maps API V3